Our server, your place.
Our server is the most extensive minecraft experience ever, featuring things such as the explosive challenge and lobby events.
Our Servers
Do you want minigames or creative? PVP or Elytra Race? Our servers have it all.
You can pop into elytra race and then go play a heated round of nether wars.
Do you need some excitement, then check out our random lobby events, a beam might strike you, or zombies might attack, possibly even a run-in with a vindicator! Or do you just want to build, let your creativity flow, and make a masterpiece? You can do that too. Do you need tips on how to amp up your game, then check out our youtube!

Bomby5 Server
All You Need
This is our specially designed minigame server, we will help you if you need it, all minigames are free-to-play and if you want to add to it you can purchase server cash and ranks to take your play experience to the next level.

The Explosive Challenge
Take it to the Next Level
The explosive challenge is the hardest minecraft experience ever, coming soon.

Creative mode
Do you need to build? BACONXX has it all!

BOMBY5 Again
Recent Release
Hello, so the bomby_5 server is still in beta and is being updated all the time!
everyone who joins will get the beta tester rank once we move into alpha and add ranks.